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(408) 601-0126
"I enjoyed working with Attorney Dennis, and talking with Nayelli. Thank you so much, I am very grateful for everything they did for me."
"Thank you so very much and
Mr. Ingols is an extremely kind, knowledgeable Lawyer! Thank you again."
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California is a community property state, and generally, property acquired during marriage is divided 50/50. However, nuances and exceptions to the rule complicate matters. So do hidden assets, and assets that are hard to put a value on, like small businesses.
Do you know all the property under your spouse's name? Are you sure he/she is not hiding assets? Do you know how much equity is in your home? Do you know how much your business is worth? Did you inherit property?
There are many issues that can arise. The Law Office of Dennis R. Ingols can help you divide your marital property and we will make sure you feel that you have been treated fairly in the distribution.
You can be confident that Mr. Ingols is on your side, he is an experienced and assertive lawyer who will make sure that all assets and debts are divided fairly.
If you want effective representation focused on reasonable results consistent with the facts and the law, The Law Office of Dennis R. Ingols is right for you. Mr. Ingols will listen to your story and ask key questions about your case before giving you a candid opinion about your case.
We will be honored to assist and provide you with the quality legal representation and one-on-one attention you deserve. Call today for your free initial consultation (408) 601-0126
We will make sure you feel that you have been treated fairly in the distribution